(PC: Internet)
I think this is very important question in today’s world because, as per my understanding everybody has their different definition of Professionalism, and because of that there are lot of useless policies or you can say rules has been came, which does not fit in our culture or say in our country.
What my understanding is, you have to understand some basics when you are managing one organization or team, you have to understand the people where you work and where those people belongs to. Because in management “Relation between Management & Employee” is very important, and to build this and maintain in smoother way, we need to understand the people as per their culture and region.
Now, what are those things which we really need to take care of,
Support/ Visibility at every Level
Now, here two words (Support & Visibility) are totally different and plays very important role in any employee’s life. Let’s talk about “SUPPORT”, it contains three things underneath as, Mental Support, Social support and financial support.
Let’s talk about each now.
- I) Mental support
First thing I want to make here is that if someone is Employee of any organization before that don’t forget he/she is human being. As person starts move on and on in his/her life he/she come across different kind of responsibility from different areas of life, like Personal, Family, Social etc. etc. Of cause no person goes though big problems everyday but now in today’s world wherever you go you will get horrible news and updates for example go to petrol pump petrol rates are increased by 2 or 3 bucks like that there are thousands of things happens in daily life so some time person gets frustrated or goes in desperation mode.
Every Organization needs 100% output every day. How this is possible? I don’t understand. Even though company might be giving good compensation to employee, there are might be good policies of company …. That is ok, but today life has become so much tricky and you have to fight for each and every thing. If he/she is having x amount of responsibility in organization at the same time he/she having x*100 responsibilities in his/her personal life as well. So sometimes he/she may not be able to keep cool and concentrate on work … it happens sometime. So that time he/she needs some support, help and some good suggestion from senior people.
Some time management or senior people from organization has to come on front and get your employee out of his problem. I understand today’s world is so much professional and running behind money, success and progress. But at the same time you have to keep one point in mind that any organization never grows without employee (In my career I heard one statement from HR person is “This is professional world … people will go and people will come doesn’t really matters to the organization”. I will say because of this attitude every software company does not become Infosys and not every Auto industry does not become Tata Group.) So if HR which means “Human Resource” has this kind of attitude then what one employee can do, as HR person is his/her contact person. As I said today’s world has become so much hectic and stressful, by considering this, organization has to understand the point that any employee from organization cannot work with 100% efficiency until and unless he is mentally balanced or I will say in normal mode.
- II) Social support
Now Social, What this means??? Family, Relatives, Society…. Am I right? I think I am!!
If you look into our people I mean Indians, Indians are so much attached to their people (Relatives, friends etc.), land and emotions. Now everyday people spends 10-11 hours in office (In any industry) and 1-2 hours takes in travelling, so total hours becomes 12- 13 if I go with example if office timings are 9-30 To 6-30 (On Paper) to reach office in time he/she needs to leave home at 8 in the morning and everybody knows even office out timing is 6-30 it gets extended to 8 at least. So if he/she is leaving office at 8 then he/she can reach home at 9 to 9-30. That means from morning 8 to 9-30 at night he/she will be out of home. I hope you guys agree with me, timing may get extended for people living at places like Mumbai. Now every industry except IT Industry (Even all IT companies do not have 5 day’s working) has 6 day’s working that is Monday to Friday. And maximum 10-11 yearly holidays. Now I have some questions in my mind, so please help me to find out solution.
1) When he/she can do his/her other official work? Like banking or any other government related work?
2) How he/she can spend time with his/her husband/wife or parents?
3) When he/she will go out with his/her family for getting some happiness?
4) People who stays away from their parents, when they will spend time with at least with Father-Mother (When and for how many days)?
5) How people will enjoy their festivals?
6) When people will meet their friends?
My special question to IT Industry is that, All US clients goes on 10-15 days holidays at the time of Christmas then why at Diwali time organizations says to Clients that we will not be available for 15 days as its Diwali time. Why employees gets only 3 days off at the time of Diwali? I am against the statement “Customer is GOD” I will say this is business he is paying me because I am making his life easy by doing his/her work.
Point is, every organization must think about employee’s social as well as personal life.
III) Financial Support
I don’t think I need to write more about this point… I will say one thing for sure every organization must pay the salary according to today’s expense’s and market situation.
Now let’s talk about “VISIBILITY”,
Everyone wants to be recognized and appreciated for doing a good job. Organization must recognize them publicly for their efforts. You can gain visibility for your employees’ efforts by announcing their accomplishments in staff meetings, sending out e-mail messages that congratulate your employees for their fine work ¾with copies to all the other employees in the department or organization ¾submitting articles about your employees’ efforts to the company newsletter, and many other similar approaches
Organization must keep visibility about organization’s growth, financial situation, future planning etc. But what today happening is your boss will tell you one story, HR person will tell you second story, Management will tell you third story and you will find exact situation totally different than what you have been told by these three people. Because of this employee may make some wrong picture and gets demotivated or may feel insecure. And some ethic less people use this for spreading negativity in organization.
Involvement & Independence
As management takes all decision regarding business related stuffs. I agree with this and I respect them because that much of experience and capabilities they carry. Top of this what I will say, Involve employees especially in decisions that affect them. Doing so, shows your employees that you respect their opinions, and it also ensures that you get the best input possible in the decision-making process.
Employees who are closest to a work process or a customer are often in the best position to see the best solution when a problem arises. Your employees know what works and what doesn’t perhaps even better than you do. Unfortunately, many workers are never asked for their opinion, or if they are, their opinions are quickly discarded. As you involve other employees, you increase their commitment to the organization and at the same time help to ease the implementation of a new idea or organizational change. The cost? Zero. The payoff? Huge.
Employees highly value being given the latitude to perform their work the way they see fit. No one likes a supervisor or manager who always hovers over employees’ shoulders, reminding them of the exact way something should be done and correcting them every time they make a slight deviation. When you tell employees what you want done, provide them with the necessary training, and then give them the room to decide how they get their work done, you increase the likelihood that they will perform to your expectations. Not only that, but independent employees bring additional ideas, energy, and initiative to their jobs, too.
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